Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Sport Science, Pre-Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy, (BS)

The Sport Science Pre-Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy major is designed to fulfill prerequisites and recommended coursework to prepare students for graduate programs in Physical or Occupational Therapy.  This program will provide an educational experience with a basis in the functioning and performance of the human body and practical experiences in the therapy field. 

Degree Requirements: 120 Credits

General Education  41
Physical Education Theory 41
Activity Courses 3
Pre-Professional Theory 27
Electives 8
Total Credits 120

General Education Curriculum

University Success Skills

(1 credit)


Take ENGL 110 (3 credits), ENGL 111 (3 credits), and one course in COMM or SPCH (3 credits) for a total of 9 credits.


Take one MATH course for 3 or 4 credits.

Arts and Humanities

Take one literature course (3 credits) and one additional course from either category (3 credits) for a total of 6 credits.

Natural Science

Take one science course (3 credits) along with that course’s lab (1 credit) for a total of 4 credits.  

Behavioral Wellness and Social Science

Choose 2 courses for a total of 6 credits.  No more than one course may be from the Wellness category.  


Choose one course for 3 credits - Must be a different religion course if used above to satisfy a requirement in the Arts and Humanities general education core.

Civic Studies

Choose one course for 3 credits.  Must be a different political science course if used above to satisfy a requirement in the Social Science general education core.​

Activity Courses

Safety, First Aid, and CPR

Sports Skills

1 Individual/Dual Sport or 1 Team Sport or 1 Physical Fitness required