Mar 28, 2025  
2021-2022 Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Admissions

Requirements for admission to graduate programs are proposed by individual programs and approved by the Graduate Curriculum Committee and Faculty Assembly. They include previous academic records, performance on recognized examinations, work experience and an acceptable written explanation of the desire to enter the program. Tusculum seeks students who are mature, highly motivated and are able to contribute to the collaborative learning environment. A maximum time limit of five years will be allowed for the completion of a degree program.  Common admission requirements are included in this section.  For Specific Graduate admissions, criteria vary program by program.

Common Admission Requirements

All applicants to graduate programs must satisfy these common admission requirements:

  1. Hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
  2. Possess a minimum GPA as defined by each program and satisfy the admission requirements that are specific to each program. See individual program descriptions for other admission requirements.

Application Procedures

Each of the following items must be completed for review by Enrollment/Admissions for an admission decision.

  1. Complete and submit a Tusculum University Application.
  2. Request an official transcript from the degree granting institution. Other transcripts may be requested as needed. If the post-secondary transcript is not in English and United States metric it must be certified by a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) or by Educational Credential Evaluators. The students are free to choose from a NACES accredited company. Transcripts must be sent directly to Tusculum University Office of Admissions/Graduate Programs P.O. Box 5051, Greeneville, TN 37745.
  3. Applicants for whom English is a second language must furnish a score of 540-543 (paper) and 207 (computer-based), 76 (Internet based) or greater on the TOEFL examination taken within the last five years.
  4. Program Specific Requirements-
    1. Complete any program-specific application procedure.
    2. Submit a resume reflecting professional experience in accordance with the requirements of program of choice.
  5. Phone or in-person interviews may be considered as part of the admission process.
  6. International applicants must provide verification of Financial Support and Health Insurance

Provisional and Conditional Acceptance

Please refer to each individual major for requirements for provisional and /or conditional acceptance.

Program specific admission requirements can be found in each graduate program’s section of the catalog:

Business Administration, (MBA)  

Education, (MA)  

Entrepreneurial Leadership, (MSEL)    

Family Nurse Practitioner, (MSN) ​ 

Organizational Training and Performance Management, (MA)  

Sport Administration, (MA)  

Teaching, (MAT)   


Readmission Policies

College of Business

Students who have discontinued attendance at Tusculum University for one semester or more, other than taking a leave of absence (please refer to the Leave of Absence policy located under the academic policies section), must reapply to their program for readmission consideration. Former students seeking readmission, who have attended another institution during the interim, will need to submit their official transcript(s) directly from the institution(s) attended. Students who are in good academic and judicial standing will be considered for readmission upon retrieval of all programmatic required documentation.

Students taking courses within the College of Business must maintain a single semester GPA of 3.0 to maintain non-probationary standing. Courses must be repeated if cumulative GPA falls below a 3.0 until a 3.0 is achieved. C is the minimum passing grade accepted in the MBA program.

College of Education

Students who have discontinued attendance at Tusculum University for one semester or more, other than taking a leave of absence (please refer to the Leave of Absence policy located under the academic policies section), must reapply to their program for readmission consideration. Former students seeking readmission, who have attended another institution during the interim, will need to submit their official transcript(s) directly from the institution(s) attended. Students who are in good academic and judicial standing will be considered for readmission upon retrieval of all programmatic required documentation.

  1. A student who was enrolled in a graduate program and withdrew in accordance with the university withdrawal policy can be readmitted as long as the student’s program GPA at the time of withdrawal was 3.0 or greater.
  2. A student who withdrew due to academic suspension must comply with the following guidelines:
    1. Sit out one full semester of coursework (fall, spring, or summer).
    2. For MAT students, only one grade below a B- is permitted for graduation; all other courses with grades B- or below must be repeated.
    3. Tusculum University requires a program GPA of 3.0 for graduation. A student whose GPA is below 3.0 will be required to repeat one or more courses to meet this requirement.

School of Nursing

Students who have discontinued attendance at Tusculum University for one semester or more, other than taking a leave of absence (please refer to the Leave of Absence policy located under the academic policies section), must reapply to their program for readmission consideration. Former students seeking readmission, who have attended another institution during the interim, will need to submit their official transcript(s) directly from the institution(s) attended. Students who are in good academic and judicial standing will be considered for readmission upon retrieval of all programmatic required documentation.

Students in the graduate nursing program who have been academically suspended, and whose GPA falls below the minimum GPA requirement for the program, must retake all courses satisfying each with a B. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the University.

Students who have achieved less than a grade of “B” in clinical didactic or clinical courses will result in the student being dismissed or withdrawn from the program as the course is not eligible to be repeated. Dismissal from the program will also occur when two grades of C or below are earned in any graduate level nursing course. A student who has been dismissed or withdrawn from the program as a result of grades earned is not eligible to be readmitted to the program.