Oct 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Graduate Program Policies

Use of Email for Official Communication

Academic advisors, faculty, and campus administrative offices use email to convey important information and time-sensitive notices. All enrolled students are provided a University email address. Students are responsible for keeping their email address up to date or for forwarding email to another address. Failure to check email, errors in forwarding email, and returned email due to mailbox full or user unknown will not excuse a student from missing announcements or deadlines.

Student Responsibility for Degree Completion

The responsibility for knowing and following academic requirements for a degree rests with the student. Although advisors are available to guide students in planning, it is the student’s ultimate responsibility to see that all requirements for graduation are met.

Graduation Requirements

All graduate degree students shall complete these requirements:

All Graduate degree students must satisfy these requirements:

  1. Complete the required curriculum with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
  2. Successfully complete program-specific requirements.
  3. Participate in all outcomes assessment as required by each program.
  4. Pay all tuition and fees.

Students who have completed all graduation requirements and are in good standing with the institution are eligible to participate in graduation exercises. All graduates are expected to participate in winter or spring commencement exercises. Students who have completed program requirements, but have not yet graduated, may request a letter of completion. All academic and financial obligations must be met prior to the University releasing a completion statement. Contact the Registrar’s Office for additional information.

Degrees with Distinction

Graduate students who complete the program with a 4.0 grade point average (GPA) will receive a gold tassel and cord to wear at commencement to indicate they have achieved High Honors. Graduate students who complete the program with a 3.90 - 3.99 or higher will receive a gold cord to wear at commencement to indicate that they have achieved Honors.

Academic Time (Credit Hour)

According to federal guidelines, a credit hour requires an hour of class time (50 minutes) for fifteen weeks, or 750 minutes (or 12.5 hours). A three-credit course requires 2,250 minutes (37.5 hours). Tusculum’s traditional meets the federal requirement.

Students completing degree programs in Adult and Online Studies take either hybrid or online courses (or a mix of hybrid and online course) to complete their programs. Significant instructional time occurs online via the current course management platform as well as other online options.

Students are required to complete guided course assignments outside of the scheduled class time by utilizing online resources, learning team assignments, group projects and case study analysis. Course syllabi address specific assignments for each project and the grade weight applied to these assignments. These assignments typically require significant additional time of direct online participation per week. These activities include online chat and discussion forums, (documented by participation logs in online platform), group work (documented by learning team evaluations), project and paper submission electronically, and faculty student communications. Faculty members provide feedback to students online and during the face to face class meeting sessions.

Online courses, whether undergraduate or graduate will have significant structured learning activities, involving both individual and team exercises.

Enrollment Status

The criteria used to determine enrollment status for graduate students is as follows:

Graduate Credit Hours Enrolled
Full Time 9 or more
Three-Quarter Time 7 - 8
Half Time 6
Less than Half Time 5 or less

Course Formats

Course Format

Course Format Description


Course sections which are taught using the traditional  method. Sections which are generally  considered group instruction either for lecture, discussion group, and/or other traditional instructional medium.


Course sections which allows experimentation and testing by learners. This can be done for technical and scientific training but also for human relations and complex behavioral programs.


In the absence of routine face-to-face instruction and 100% use of online instructional delivery, a course is designated as an online course. Instruction is not constrained by geography or time; instead instruction and student fulfillment of course responsibilities is accomplished through the use of online technologies. Course learning objectives are explored utilizing virtual classrooms via the Internet. In some cases, course examinations may be proctored at approved facilities.


Course sections that may involve a mixture of face-to-face, online and independent learning approaches. The learning objectives of the course remain the same as in a traditional course format; however, students are expected to spend some time fulfilling learning requirements outside of the traditional classroom setting. The purpose of integrating face-to-face and online instruction is to utilize the best aspects of both environments to meet course learning objectives. Any course taught at Tusculum University that has 25% but less than 100% of its instructional contact time in a non-traditional format is designated as a hybrid course.


A traditional face-to-face technology-enhanced course with an option of remote attendance for scheduled sessions.

HyFlex Hybrid

A hybrid course with an option of remote attendance for scheduled sessions.


Course sections meeting at a clinical site, such as a hospital or school.

Independent Study

Course sections designated as independent study or for which students are enrolled on an independent study basis.

Student Teaching and Field Study

Course sections designated as internships, cooperative experiences, field experience, or student teaching.

Video Conference

Course sections where the instruction and/or material are broadcast to another site.  This would include one-way video and audio, one-way video two-way audio, two-way video and audio, and public broadcast across television. 


Course sections focused on hands on learning such as art.

Course Levels

All courses taken at Tusculum University are identified by numbers composed of three digits with a first number designating the level of instruction. Graduate division courses designed for post baccalaureate students are numbered 500 or above.

Transfer Credit

Each course in the graduate sequence is designed to provide prerequisite knowledge for those which follow. As such, it is expected all students enrolled in the program are expected to complete courses in the prescribed order. The program Dean may approve up to 6 credit-hours to transfer into a master’s degree program provided the credits are deemed to be the equivalent in content and graduate-level rigor, demonstrate comparable learning outcomes as the courses replaced, and were taken at a regionally- accredited institution of higher education or other appropriate institution as recommended by the American Council of Education (ACE). In unusual circumstances, the Dean may approve additional coursework for transfer into a graduate program.  However, transfer credits may not exceed 50% of required credits for the program.

Academic Advising

Professional academic advisors are charged with the responsibility of providing useful, pertinent information concerning many different areas of Tusculum University. Accordingly, advisors assume a significant educational role within the academic life of their students. The professional academic advisor provides each student with guidance for developing an educational plan, selecting courses and making referrals for assistance provided by other campus resources.

Final Exams

Evening and online classes complete final exams at the regular meeting times during exam week.