Jan 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

General Education Curriculum

General Education Mission Statement

The mission of the General Education Program at Tusculum University builds and enhances the foundational skills and content knowledge necessary for the academic success, career preparation, and personal development of an informed, engaged citizen, regardless of their chosen major. These competencies include effective written and verbal communication, critical thinking and analytical reasoning for problem solving, knowledge of self and diversity in their communities, and civic engagement by way of traditional instruction and service learning that extends beyond the classroom.

General Education Course Outcomes

In the general education curriculum, students will develop these competencies via courses in each of the following categories: Perspective, Interaction, Inquiry, Communication, and Connection.



Students will develop knowledge of self and diversity in communities.

Total Credit Hours: 9


Arts and Humanities

Choose one literature course (3 credits) and one additional course (3 credits) for a total of 6 credits.



Choose one course (3 credits) for a total of 3 credits.


Fine Arts and Humanities

ENGL 201 - Literature Of Sexuality        

ENGL 204 - Introduction To Poetry   

ENGL 205 - Introduction To Short Fiction   

ENGL 206 - Folklore And The Fairytale   

ENGL 207 - Myth And Making    

ENGL 213 - British Literature I   

ENGL 214 - American Literature I   

ENGL 215 - World Literature I  

ENGL 217 - Science Fiction   

ENGL 219 - Theatre Of The World 

ENGL 223 - British Literature II  

ENGL 224 - American Literature II  

ENGL 225 - World Literature II  

ENGL 227 - Appalachian Literature 

ENGL 228 - Minority Voices In American Literature  

ENGL 231 - Introduction To Film 

ENGL 245 - Nature Writing And Environmental Literature  

ENGL 250 - Special Topics In Literature  

ARTS 110 - Introduction To Art  

ARTS 204 - Ancient Through Renaissance Art History 

ARTS 208 - Baroque Through Modern Art History  

ENGL 120 - Introduction To Creative Writing  

HUMA 222 - Philosophy Through The Humanities  

MUSC 101 - Introduction To Western Music  

RELG 102 - Introduction To The New Testament 

RELG 201 - World Religions  

RELG 230 - Hebrew And Christian Traditions 

THEA 104 - Introduction To The Theatre  


RELG 102 - Introduction To The New Testament  

RELG 201 - World Religions  

RELG 230 - Hebrew And Christian Traditions  




Students will develop critical thinking skills.

Total Credit Hours: 12


Social Sciences*

Choose two courses for a total of 6 credits.


Choose two courses for a total of 6 credits.


*Students may take one course from the Wellness category to satisfy 3 of the 6 hours in Social Sciences.

BUSN 201 - Principles Of Macroeconomics  

BUSN 202 - Principles Of Microeconomics  

CRJU 105 - Introduction To Criminal Justice  

GEOG 200 - Introduction To Geography  

POLS 210 - Comparative Government 

POLS 220 - World Politics And International Relations  

PSYC 101 - Essentials Of Psychology 

PSYC 206 - Life Span Development  

PSYC 207 - Educational Psychology  

SOCI 101 - Introduction To Sociology  

SOCI 105 - Contemporary Social Issues  

HIST 101 - The West And The World I  

HIST 102 - The West And The World II  

HIST 201 - U.S. History Survey I  

HIST 202 - U.S. History Survey II  

HIST 250 - Thematic Surveys in History  

HIST 280 - The History Of Representative Government In The Western Tradition /POLS 280 - The History Of Representative Government In The Western Tradition  


SPSC 201 - Foundations Of Physical Fitness And Wellness  

PSYC 102 - Psychology Of Adjustment  






Students will develop analytical reasoning for problem solving.

Total Credit Hours: 7-8



Choose one course (3-4 credits) for a total of 3-4 credits.

Natural Sciences

Choose one course (3 credits) along with that course’s lab (1 credit) for a total of 4 credits.


MATH 122 - Liberal Arts Mathematics  

MATH 122R - Liberal Arts Mathematics with Integrated Review  

MATH 140 - Statistics  

MATH 140R - Statistics with Integrated Review  

MATH 180 - Pre-Calculus  

MATH 190 - Calculus I  

BIOL 105 - Introductory Biology  with BIOL 105L - Introductory Biology Lab  

BIOL 110 - General Biology I  with BIOL 110L - General Biology I Lab  

BIOL 251 - Anatomy And Physiology I  with BIOL 251L - Anatomy And Physiology I Lab  

CHEM 101 - General Chemistry I  with CHEM 101L - General Chemistry I Lab  

EVSC 111 - Environmental Science  with EVSC 111L - Environmental Science Lab  

GEOL 101 - Physical Geology  with GEOL 101L - Geology Lab  

NSCI 105 - Physical Science  with NSCI 105L - Physical Science Lab  

PHYS 201 - General Physics I  with PHYS 201L - General Physics I Lab  




Students will develop effective written and verbal communication skills.

Total Credit Hours: 9



Take ENGL 110 (3 credits) and ENGL 111 (3 credits) for a total of 6 credits.


Public Speaking

Choose one course (3 credits) for a total of 3 credits.

ENGL 110 - Composition I: Close Reading And Analysis 

ENGL 111 - Composition II: Research And Rhetoric  

COMM 210 - Interpersonal Communication  

COMM 212 - Team And Small Group Communication  

COMM 220 - Argumentation And Debate  

SPCH 101 - Public Speaking  




Students will develop skills for civic engagement.

Total Credit Hours: 4


University Success Skills

Take OREN 105 (1 credit) for a total of 1 credit.

Civic Studies

Choose one course (3 credits) for a total of 3 credits.


OREN 105 - The Tusculum Experience  

CIVS 223 - The Philosophy Of Social Science Inquiry 

CIVS 251 - Theory And Practice Of Citizenship  

POLS 110 - American Government  

POLS 230 - State And Local Government  


English and Mathematics Placement

Placement Testing for English 110, English 110 Lab, and English 111

The English Department has chosen Accuplacer© as its placement tool in conjunction with ACT/SAT scores beginning Fall 2021. Students will be able to take Accuplacer online through Examity© no matter where they reside. Students will take two parts of Accuplacer-Reading and WritePlacer.  Below are the guidelines and standards:


  • Students with an ACT English sub-score of 26* or higher or an SAT Verbal sub-score of 600+ will be placed in English 111 and will not need to take English 110.
  • Students scoring less than 20 on the ACT English sub-score or 470 on the SAT Verbal will be required to take Accuplacer. Students making at least an ACT 20 English sub-score (or the SAT equivalent) will automatically be placed in English 110 without a lab requirement.
  • Students who wish to take Accuplacer to determine their English placement may do so; students with no national test scores must take Accuplacer.
  • Students who score below a “4” on WritePlacer will be required to take English 110 with a lab component.
  • Students who score a “6” on WritePlacer will take English 111.  
  • Any student who does not take Accuplacer (except for those bringing in high standardized test scores) will automatically be placed into English 110 with a lab.

*The English Dept. is considering raising the scores on standardized testing for direct admittance to English 111.



  1. Students will be charged a $30 testing fee connected to English 110.
  2. Tusculum will be charged $20 for each student who takes the two tests in Accuplacer. (There is an additional charge for taking the exams in more than one sitting so this will not be our practice.)
  3. Accuplacer scores will be sent directly to TU and Vicky Johnson will oversee the placement of students into the correct English sequence.
  4. TU will only pay for one chance at the placement exams for each student.
  5. There are no guidelines for the Reading test on Accuplacer; the English Department wishes to study the scores and make appropriate recommendations about reading instruction, if warranted.





ENGL 110 


ENGL 110  with ENGL 110L  

ENGL 111  


Placement Scores:

-ACT English sub-score 20 or higher

- SAT Verbal 470 or higher

-“4” or higher on WritePlacer


-ACT English sub-score 19 or below

-SAT Verbal 469 or below

- “3” or lower on WritePlacer

-ACT English sub-score 26 or higher

-SAT Verbal 600 or higher

-“6” or higher on Writeplacer

Math Placement (ALEKS)

All students must enroll in mathematics, but the exact requirements will vary, based on placement testing at the time of entrance to Tusculum University. Students satisfy the General Education mathematics requirement by passing the mathematics course required in their major program of study. An equivalent or higher-level transfer math class will be accepted in lieu of placement testing.

Students will access our math placement testing via Tusculum’s learning management system.

Course  Cut Score Range Comments Description
MATH 105  
Basic College Mathematics
 14-30 Preparatory course for statistics and liberal arts math The course assesses students’ skills, identifies specific learning barriers, and provides techniques to promote student success. Mathematical topics include the real number system; absolute value; order of operations; conversions between fractions, decimals and percent; operations with fractions; ratios and proportions; identifying slope and intercepts of a linear equation; interpreting slope as a rate of change; writing, graphing and solving linear equations and inequalities in two variables; properties of exponents; scientific notation; operations with polynomials, and radical expressions.
MATH 106  
Preparation for Pre-calculus
14-45 Preparatory course for pre-calculus This course identifies skills needed and promotes techniques for mathematical computations. The course includes topics such as factoring polynomials; using laws of exponents; solving quadratic equations and applications; simplifying rational expressions, graphing, and solving rational equations; solving complex fractions; simplifying radical expressions, graphing, and solving radical equations.
MATH 122   
Liberal Arts Mathematics
31-100   This course is designed to develop an interest in mathematics and the importance of quantitative reasoning for an informed citizenry. This course, in its unique focus of social issues, will cover algebra thinking, application and interpretation of functions and elementary statistics.
MATH 140  
31-100   Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics using mainly parametric methods. Some of the major areas covered are: measures of central tendencies, measures of dispersion, distributions (such as frequency, normal, binomial and probability), correlation, regression and hypothesis testing.
MATH 180  
46-75   An intense review and extension of the aspects of algebra, geometry and trigonometry that are most important in the study of calculus; an introduction to new ideas necessary for the study of calculus such as limit, continuity and composition of functions.
MATH 190  
Calculus I
76-100   Introduction of calculus including limits, differentiation, integration and analytic geometry. Applications (both traditional and modern) appear throughout, including examples from geometry, economics and physics. The graphing, functional and programming features of graphing calculators will be employed to enhance the understanding and application of calculus.