Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Fees

Charges for the 2022-2023 academic year at Tusculum University are listed below.

Traditional Studies

Standard Full-Time Charges

Traditional Students Tuition  
  (Including Associates Degree)  
Tuition per year (12-19 hrs. per semester) $26,558
Tuition under 12 hrs. per semester (per hour) $798
Tuition over 19 hrs. per semester (per credit) overload $798
Standard Housing (per year) $5,642
Standard Housing, Double as a Single (per year) $6,942
Village Apartments (per year) $7,142

Residential Board (Meal Plan)

*Dining Dollars are accepted at all campus dining locations and are deducted from the balance as used. Any unused dining dollars will expire at the end of each semester.

Residential Meal Plans $4,400

Meal Plan Options:

  • Pioneer 19: 19 meals per week at the Dining Hall plus $150 Dining Dollars = $2,200 per semester
  • Pioneer 14: 14 meals per week at the Dining Hall plus $175 Dining Dollars = $2,200 per semester
  • Pioneer 10: 10 meals per week at the Dining Hall plus $200 Dining Dollars = $2,200 per semester

Commuter Meal Plans - available for purchase in the TU Business Office.


Traditional (Residential)

Summer School Tuition  
Tuition (per hour) $365
Summer Institute Courses (per hour) $415
2022 Winter Break Housing  
Per Day $30
Per Week $210
2023 Summer Housing  
Summer Six-week Block $725
Summer Two Blocks $1,450
Full Summer Period $1,750

Adult and Online Studies

All Adult and Online Studies students are charged a tuition rate based on the program degree they are seeking and classified as. This includes any summer courses.

All Undergraduate Degrees  
  (Including Associates Degree)  
Tuition per semester hour $365
Audit fee per course  $100
Graduation fee $100
Education Graduate Degrees
Tuition per semester hour $425
Audit fee per course  $100
Graduation fee $100
Master of Organizational Training & Peformance Management
Tuition per semester hour $475
Master of Science in Entrepreneurial Leadership
Tuition per semester hour $575
Master of Sport Management
Tuition per semester hour $435
Audit fee per course  $100
Graduation fee $100
Master of Business Administration
Tuition per semester hour $575
Master of Science in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner
Tuition per semester hour $635
Post Master’s Certificate, Family Nurse Practitioner
Tuition per semester hour $635
RN to Master of Science in Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner
Tuition per semester hour $635
Audit fee  
Per course $100

The following may audit courses without charge: Full-time Tusculum University students enrolled in degree programs; full- time Tusculum University faculty/staff; former full-time Tusculum University faculty/staff who retired from those positions.

Other Charges  
Prior Learning Assessment fee $200
Prior Learning Assessment rate per credit hour $100
Student Parking Fee $50 per year
General Student Fee $100 per semester
Audit fee  
Per course $100
Dual Enrollment Fee  
(for High School Students Only)  
Per course $500 per course
*No tuition refund for dual enrollment fee’s after each course start date.
Graduation Fee  
The graduation fee is required from all students graduating even if the student decides not to participate in the ceremony.  This does not include regalia. $100
Art Course Fee  
Per course $105
Music Lesson Fee  
Per course $250
Students will not be charged an overload charge if the music class puts them above 19 hours.
Course-Related Fees  
Vary per course $10 to $250

Teacher education, mathematics, first aid and CPR, Lifeguard certification and other physical education courses may require a fee to cover materials such as Live-Text, Inclusive Access Online, and/or certifications. Some courses require lab fees

Student Teaching Fee $450
Nursing Fees $15 to $520
  (range per semester)  
Nursing Liability Insurance Fee $50
MSN Clinical Nursing fees per course $625

Required Deposit Intent to Enroll

Traditional $150
Adult and Online studies $50
The intent to enroll deposit is requested within 30 days of acceptance for all new, transfer and readmitted students.
This intent to enroll deposit will be credited to the next semester billings.
This deposit for new, transfer and readmitted students is fully refundable until May 1.
Deposits are not refundable after May 1.

Promise to Pay Statement

Each student will be required to sign a Promise to Pay Statement. This statement will be effective for tuition, fees, books, and any other charges that a student may accrue while enrolled at Tusculum University. A student may NOT register for courses or charge anything to their student account until the Business Office has received this statement.

Miscellaneous Costs

Textbooks average approximately $1,482 per semester. Personal expenses and travel cost will vary with each individual. Financial Aid budgets include an allocation of $2,195 per semester for personal expenses and travel costs for face to face programs. For fully online programs, an allocation of $1,075 per semester Is for personal expenses.

Return Check Fee $25

Damage Fee

Failure to respect Tusculum University property, including but not limited to the residence halls and any property which is not the student’s, is prohibited. Residents may be required to pay restitution for any damages incurred.

Statement of Student Accounts

Statements and receipts can be requested through the Business Office. Students are responsible for the communication of billing information to all parties involved. A statement of the student’s account can also be reviewed real time on the student’s WebAdvisor account.

Payment Schedule

Charges are due at the beginning of each semester and are payable in full. The Business Office will issue bills for the appropriate tuition to registered students approximately four to six weeks prior to the start of each semester. Failure to receive a bill does not exempt a student from the timely payment of charges. Students are responsible for the communication of billing information to all parties involved. Students are also responsible for keeping their account information current by submitting revisions of addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, etc. to the Registrar’s Office.

A student who is awarded financial assistance under federal, state, institutional and/or private programs approved by the University may use documentary evidence of such award as a condition for registration. This privilege, however, does not relieve the student from completing payment in full when actual funds are received and a balance remains.

Accounts of students who have balances past due will be placed on hold, and students will not be allowed to register for future classes. All students on hold or with a balance on their student account will not receive a diploma, grades and transcripts. Students utilizing Veterans Administration (VA) benefits will not be denied attendance while awaiting VA payments.

For non-financial aid students, payment for each semester is due in full prior to the start of each semester. Accounts of students who have balances past due will be placed on hold, and students will not be allowed to register for future classes. All students on hold or with a balance on their student account will not receive a diploma, grades and transcripts.

Students or parents who prefer to pay educational expenses in monthly installments may want to consider a monthly payment plan. Tusculum University offers an interest free payment plan which is intended to help students pay the cost of their higher education during all terms of the academic year. A non-refundable enrollment fee is required per each payment plan and is due at the time the application is submitted to the Business Office.

In case of default or delinquency in this payment plan, a late charge will be assessed against each late payment. Failure to pay by the final end date will result in the following: 1) the student will continue to attend current classes but will not be able to receive formal grade reports or transcripts. 2) The student will not be able to register for future semesters/terms. 3) The student will not receive a diploma. 4) The outstanding debt may be referred to a collection agency. 5) The student may have to pay collection costs and/or attorney fees. If a student withdraws, is expelled or dismissed from the Institution for any reason, the entire unpaid amount shall immediately become due and payable. In addition, the student’s account will be placed on “hold” and will not be permitted to register for future semester or receive a copy of the academic transcript until the obligation is paid in full, including penalties.

Upon the occurrence of non-payment, all students are responsible for reasonable attorney’s fees, collection fees and court costs if the account is referred to an outside source. Tusculum University reserves the right to report the status of any outstanding balance owed to a credit reporting agency.

The University accepts payments via cash, checks, money orders, VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover card.

Confidentiality Policy

Once a student is enrolled at Tusculum University, information will be provided about their rights to privacy. If the student wishes to authorize others such as parents, spouses, etc., to be eligible to receive any personal information such as student account information, then it is recommended that the student complete a FERPA-TISHE form. The FERPA-TISHE form is an Amendment to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) that allows the student to list individuals they authorize to receive their personal information. This form can be found at under resources.

Traditional Studies Student Enrollment in Adult and Online Studies Courses

Full-time Traditional students who desire to enroll in Adult and Online Studies course will be charged as follows: if the additional course does not constitute an overload status, the student will not incur any additional charges. If the additional course does constitute an overload status, the student will be billed the hourly Traditional overload rate.

Adult and Online Studies Student Enrollment in a Traditional College Courses

Full-time Adult and Online Studies students who desire to enroll in a Traditional Studies course during the fall or spring terms will continue to be charged at their degree seeking rate. This includes summer school courses.

Refund of Charges and Financial Aid Awards

There is no tuition adjustment for dropping or withdrawing from a course after the census date has passed for the term.

Formal withdrawal from the University consists of submission of a written request to withdraw from Tusculum University. The withdrawal is effective upon the University’s receipt of the written request to withdraw and upon approval by appropriate administrative offices. For reporting purposes, the last day of the academic activity will be determined by the University. The distribution of any refunds and/or repayments will be made to the source(s) from which the payment was received. Course fees will not be refunded after the census date has passed for the term. Room and board (meals) charges for the term will be pro-rated up to the official withdrawal date.

In case of formal withdrawal from the University, the semester’s financial aid awards will be refunded as follows. For students receiving federal student aid, the semester’s Title IV awards will be calculated in accordance with the “Return of Title IV Funds” regulations. A copy of the policy is available in the Financial Aid Office upon request.

Traditional Student Programs:

  • A full tuition refund will be granted if a student officially withdraws prior to the start of the academic semester (room and board charges will be pro-rated based on usage).
  • A $500 tuition charge will be assessed if a student starts attending and officially withdraws prior to or on the official census date of the academic semester (fall census 9/3/2021 & spring census 1/31/2022). Room and board (meals) charges will be prorated up to the official withdrawal date.
  • A 25% semester tuition charge will be assessed if a student officially withdraws after the census date and prior to eighteen (18) calendar days from the start of the academic semester. Room and board charges will be prorated up to the official withdrawal date. Course fees are non-refundable after the census date has passed.
  • A request for tuition, fees, room and board refunds will not be considered if a student officially withdraws after eighteen (18) calendar days has passed from the start of the academic semester.


Adult and Online Students (AOS) 7-week Sessions:

  • A full tuition refund will be granted if a student officially withdraws prior to the start of the academic semester.
  • A $500 tuition charge will be assessed if a student starts attending Session One (1) and officially withdraws prior to the Session One (1) census date.
  • No refund in tuition charges will be granted for Session One (1) if a student officially withdraws after the Session One (1) census date. If the withdrawal is prior to the start of Session Two (2), Session Two tuition will be refunded in full.
  • A $500 tuition charge will be assessed if a student starts attending Session Two (2) of a semester and officially withdraws prior to the Session Two (2) census dates. All of Session One (1) charges will remain billed in full.
  • A request for tuition refunds will not be considered if a student officially withdrawals after Session Two (2) census date has passed.


No refund will be granted to a student suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons.

For an active student who drops below the enrollment status on which financial aid was awarded, grants and/or aid will be reduced and may cause a balance on the student’s account.

Federal Student Aid (FSA) Credit Balance - Refund Check Policy

If FSA disbursements to the student’s account at Tusculum University creates a credit balance from such funds, the credit balance will be paid directly to the student or parent in case of a Plus loan, no later than 14 days after:

  • The first day of classes of the payment period if the credit balance occurred on or before the first day of that payment period.

All students who are due a credit balance refund from FSA funds must be attending Tusculum University courses or have appropriate consortium agreements on file with approval through the Financial Aid Office. Students must be attending classes in the semester that the funds are intended before a refund check from federal student aid will be issued. All funds must be in and applied to the student’s account by the Tuesday prior to the refund check process occurring that week. In addition, any added or dropped courses, and/or withdrawals from the university, will delay the refund process or cancel the refund due to “Return to Title IV Funds” or a recalculation of any aid awarded. Refunds are available for pickup on Friday’s after 1 p.m. in the Business Office on the Greeneville campus only. Students will have real-time student account information available to them on their student Web Advisor portal and will be notified via student email by the Business Office regarding the availability of their credit balance refund check. Students must have a photo ID upon request when picking up a refund check and will be required to sign for the check. Students may request refund checks to be mailed. However, for any refund check not picked up immediately will be mailed out after five business days have passed to the address listed on file. Refund checks will not be released to anyone other than the student unless there is a signed permission slip sent to the Business Office. All students are responsible to pay out-of-pocket for any additional classes or charges that are added to their student account as well as any financial aid adjustments made after a refund has been issued. Please note: Refunds that are generated by a parent PLUS loan will be issued in the parent/borrowers name unless a “Parent Plus Loan Credit Balance and Refund Authorization Form” is completed with the Business Office. For students wishing to have a credit balance from Title IV/FSA funds held on their student accounts, must voluntarily complete an authorization form with the Business Office.

Student Credit Balance Refund Checks- Escheat Policy

Credit balance refund checks that are outstanding for a period of 180 days will be investigated and voided. A replacement check will be generated if the student can be identified and notified. If the student cannot be contacted and FSA Title IV funds are involved, before 240 days passes the funds will be voided, placed on the students account and returned to the United States Department of Education immediately as unclaimed funds.

Paying Prior-Year Charges with an FSA Credit Balance

Title IV/ FSA funds may only be used to pay the student’s cost for the period for which the funds are provided. Tusculum will only use current year funds to satisfy prior award year charges from tuition, fees, room or board and with permission, any other educational charges applied to the student’s account, for a total of no more than $200 with a voluntarily signed Prior Year Authorization form in the Business Office. Tusculum can NOT pay any prior charges over $200 even with authorization from the student.

Student Work-Study Responsibility Agreement - Business Office

The purpose of the work-study program is to promote employment of students who are in need of such earnings to pursue courses of academic study. Students must qualify through Financial Aid to be eligible for the Work-Study program. Work-Study earnings are used to offset part of the COA (Cost of Attendance). Earnings are not in addition to the COA. Students are encouraged to use their work-study earnings to pay their tuition bill. A student must complete the “Student Work-Study Responsibility Agreement Form” in the Business Office. This is a voluntary agreement and is valid from the date of signing through the end of the academic year. At any time, a student can revoke this agreement in writing with the Business Office. However, the student will be responsible to pay any outstanding debts to Tusculum University if this agreement is canceled. A hold will be placed on a student’s account for any outstanding balance that will prevent future course registration or transcript releases until the account is paid in full.

Tuition Reimbursement

If a student is receiving tuition reimbursement from an employer, the student must present a letter from their employer stating the policy for reimbursement and the student’s specific reimbursement eligibility in the program. All classes must be paid in full before Tusculum University can release any grades to employers for reimbursement unless funds are being directly paid to Tusculum University from the employer.

Yellow Ribbon Program

Tusculum University participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program which allows the institution to enter into an agreement with Veterans Affairs (VA) to fund tuition expenses. VA can contribute up to 50 percent of those expenses and Tusculum University will match the same amount as the VA.

School contribution amount for 2021-2022 school year:

  • Unlimited accepted undergraduate students - up to an unlimited amount.
  • Unlimited Graduate students - up to an unlimited amount.

Military Tuition Assistance Policy - Tusculum University

The Military Tuition Assistance (TA) program is a benefit available only while a student is in military service. The TA benefit is available to eligible members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard. These funds are usually paid directly to the institution by the individual services. This policy only applies to this type of educational benefit. This policy does not apply to Veterans or other Veterans education benefits.

Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school the entire semester for which they are registered for. If a student officially or unofficially withdraws from classes and did not complete at least 60% of the semester, they are no longer eligible for the total amount awarded through TA. Unearned funds will be returned to the military service branch based on when the student stopped participating or withdrew from the institution.

Schedule for Return of Unearned Tuition Assistance (TA) Funds

A student that paid for all or a portion of the semester using TA benefits and withdraws from the school or a course during an enrollment period in which the student began attendance, will have an amount of TA funds returned according to the following schedule:

16-week Withdraw from the University

  • Before week 1 = 100% TA funds returned
  • During weeks 1-4 = 75% TA funds returned
  • During weeks 5-8 = 50% TA funds returned
  • During weeks 9-10 40% TA funds return
    (60% of course is completed)
  • During weeks 11-16 = 0% TA funds returned

16-week Course Drop

  • Before or during week 1 = 100% TA funds returned
  • During weeks 2-4 = 75% TA funds returned
  • During weeks 5-8 = 50% TA funds returned
  • During weeks 9-10 40% TA funds return
    (60% of course is completed)
  • During weeks 11-16 = 0% TA funds returned

The above calculation schedule is applicable ONLY for students using TA benefits and not to any portion of the funds that the student paid or that the student is responsible for.

When a student stops attending due to a military service obligation, Tusculum University will work with the student to identify a solution that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion of unearned TA funds.

Tuition Appeal Guidelines and Policy (Financial Appeals Committee)

Tusculum University realizes that, on rare occasions, students may need to appeal tuition charges due to extenuating circumstances. Reasons that may be acceptable for an appeal consideration are:

  • Serious illness or an accident of the student. This will normally require a medical statement from a licensed physician.
  • Death, serious illness or injury in the immediate family (parent, siblings, children or spouse). A licensed physician’s statement, appropriate death certificate or obituary will be required.
  • Military deployment/reactivation. A copy of the official deployment/reactivation notice recommended. Deployment and reactivation dates must be within the semester the student is appealing.
  • Other extenuating circumstances supported with documentation.


You may not submit a financial appeal if:

  • The issue is related to an academic grievance. Such grievances are handled through the academic divisions.
  • The appeal is for a term that is over one year of age.
  • The request is based on acceptance into another school or incarceration. These are not accepted as valid extenuating circumstances.
  • The issue is solely based on the lack of knowledge/understanding or failure to follow University policies, dates and deadlines published in the University catalog, student handbook, and/or policies available on-line at

Requirements and guidelines to submit an Appeal:

  • Students must communicate with advisors or the Business Office ( for appropriate instructions and forms. All appeals must be submitted to Each appeal must include:
    1. The Financial Appeal Formal Request form signed by the student (available upon request).
    2. A formal letter signed by the student and addressed to the Financial Appeals Committee. This letter must be very clear in what the student is requesting (tuition for a specific course or semester and the reasoning for the appeal).
    3. Attach all supporting documentation.
  • Failure to provide adequate documentation at the time of submission may result in denial of appeal.
  • Filing an appeal does not relieve the student from current obligations to Tusculum University. The student is responsible for all charges assessed on their account pending a decision on the appeal.
  • If the appeal is granted and the student is a financial aid recipient, (student loans, grants and scholarships) financial aid may be reduced or removed and could result in a return of funds. The student will be responsible for repaying these funds immediately. This includes any financial aid refunds that the student may have received and/or bookstore charges. (Rules and regulations governing federal financial aid programs cannot be waived through a financial appeal or under any other circumstances)

The Financial Appeals Committee meets once a month. Official written notification of the outcome of the appeal will be sent to the student approximately two weeks after decision is made.