Jul 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

History, History Education 6-12 Concentration, (BA)

Degree Requirements: 120 Credits

General Education 41-42
Major Core 27
Professional Education 27-28
Practicum 4
Student Teaching 12
Electives 7-9
Total Credits 120

The History Education 6-12 program is designed to meet the needs of students who want to combine their love of History with an interest in teaching to obtain an undergraduate degree that leads to a grades 6-12 teacher license in Tennessee. The program requires separate admission to the Teacher Education Program. Teacher Education program admission, retention, practicum, and student teaching requirements can be found in the Bachelor of Arts in Education/Interdisciplinary Studies section of this catalog.


Education programs at Tusculum University adhere to the requirements and guidelines established by the Tennessee State Board of Education (TSBE) and the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE). Modifications in initial and advanced education programs and curriculum may occur as the result of TBOE or TDOE actions and regulations. Tusculum University reserves the right to revise academic programs as deemed necessary to meet accrediting and approval criteria.


Assessment in Teacher Education Coursework

  1. edTPA: edTPA is a subject-specific nationally-scored performance assessment for prospective teachers required for licensure in the state of Tennessee. Beginning in the Fall of 2018, all students will prepare and submit their edTPA portfolio during their first placement of student teaching. Students who do not receive a passing score with their first submission must resubmit the assessment a second time to meet graduation requirements.
  2. LiveText, Critical Tasks, and Key Assignments:
    1. All students in this program are required to have an account for LiveText, a web-based electronic portfolio service. The subscription access code for LiveText will be emailed to your Tusculum account the third week of the first semester after your admission to teacher education. Your LiveText account is valid for 5 years and will be used throughout your program for submission of course-based Critical Tasks and Key Assignments in your education courses.
    2. Critical Tasks and Key Assignments are used to evaluate your progress toward meeting program and applicable state and/or national standards and to inform program improvement. Once your task/assignment is uploaded to your portfolio, it will be assessed by your instructor using a 4-point rubric (4=Exemplary, 3=Proficient, 2=Developing Proficiency, 1=Not Proficient). You must earn an average score of 3 or better on each Critical Task to receive a passing grade in the course. If you score less than 3, you will be given feedback to guide your remediation of the work for resubmission. Key Assignments do not require a minimum score but must be uploaded to LiveText to receive a passing grade in the course.

Special Requirements for General Education

Students seeking the History Education 6-12 major must complete PSYC 207  (Behavioral Wellness & Social Sciences) in the General Education Curriculum. Students may take MATH 122  to satisfy Mathematics in the General Education Curriculum. Note that BUSN 201  and BUSN 202  do not satisfy core for Behavioral Wellness & Social Sciences.

General Education Curriculum

University Success Skills

(1 credit)


Take ENGL 110 (3 credits), ENGL 111 (3 credits), and one course in COMM or SPCH (3 credits) for a total of 9 credits.


Take one MATH course for 3 or 4 credits.  Choice may be dictated by program; see Special Requirements section above.

Arts and Humanities

Take one literature course (3 credits) and one additional course from either category (3 credits) for a total of 6 credits.

Natural Science

Take one science course (3 credits) along with that course’s lab (1 credit) for a total of 4 credits.  Choice may be dictated by program; see Special Requirements section above.

Behavioral Wellness and Social Science

Behavioral, Wellness, and Social Science:  Choose 2 courses for a total of 6 credits.  No more than one course may be from the Wellness category.  Choice may be dictated by program; see Special Requirements section above.


Choose one course for 3 credits - Must be a different religion course if used above to satisfy a requirement in the Arts and Humanities general education core.

Civic Studies

Choose one course for 3 credits.  Must be a different political science course if used above to satisfy a requirement in the Social Science general education core.​

General Electives - 7 to 9 credits